Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Perlengkapan Sulam alis,bibir,eyeliner

Tinta Coco 12ml Rp 350.000

Untuk Sulam alis,bibir dan eyeliner,terbuat dari tumbuhan yang berasal dari Usa,
hasil warna alami,bertahan selama 2 tahun (mulai pudar)bisa untuk pemakaian 12-15 orang.

Adopt with pure plant materials
original material was from United States
various kinds of colors for lip and eyebrow
never change colour or fade
different forms.  

 eg:luquid, emulsus

Colors:black, midnight black, jet black, chocolate brown, light brown, dark brown, brown, gray, beige, olive, taupe, skin, yellow, white, orange, pink mauve, dark red, Japanese red, red wine, burgundy, real red, rose red

                                                         MESIN KOREA RECHARGEABLE

Mesin Korea Rechargeable : 

-Bisa semua ukuran jarum
-Bisa portble
-Ada pengaturan speed
-Ada pengaturan jarum
-Enak digunakan untuk semua sulam

                                                                     ALAT UKUR ALIS

Alat ukur alis diperlukan untuk mengukur alis sebelum proses sulam.

                                    ANESTESI CREAM DR.NUMB

Anestesi cream dr.numb 10gram

ingredient: 5%lidocaine, 5%prilocaine, 3% Benzocaine and 1%epinephrine

Used for:tattooing, body piercing, laser tattoo removal, laser hair removal, waxing, permanent cosmetics and so on

The use of methods:
1.With an alcohol cotton wool rub the skin hardly, dead skin will be came off.
2. Then the plaster will be opainted evenly on the skin to maintain the 2~3mm in thicknes, covered.It with cling film 50~60 minutes later, the skin will achieve deep anesthesia up to 2~5hours.
3.Leave the plastic wrap on until it is removed by the professional before the procedure.
Tips & Warnings
Leave the cream on the skin longer for better result.  Don't remove the saran wrap until you feel the numbing effect.
Note:1. Use immediately after the seal, exposure time shoulds not be too long. Because epinephrine, become brown is normal phenomenon
2. the patient with heart disease, diabetes mellitus and skin disease is forbidden to use this product. not allow the children and old men to swallow the products.
4.If you have any heart conditions, problems with blood pressure or circulation, contact your physician prior to application
6.The normal temperature preservation.Below zero preservation, the effect-acting period would delay

Place of Origin

                                         FIXING AGENT LINE

Fixed agent line 10ml
-Warna cepat masuk kekulit (alis,bibir,eyeliner)
-Hasil warna lebih bagus
-Untuk campuran tinta bubuk

*fixing agent
*lock color
*speed up the color to be absorbed
*make the color more homogeneous
permanent makeup fixing agent used after color operation, then it can lock colors
to prevent the loss of color, so fixagent play a very important role during the operation.


it can be used in :embroidered eyebrows, lips bleaching.

Galeri Solek 
Phone:0897 4135 131
Pin BB:22946351

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